Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Aaj Ki Delhi/Yograaj Sharma Arpana Agarwal Founder & Director of Wonder Women Connect recently organized NEXUSS'18 "POWER WALK FOR A CAUSE" to Support Life of Vision Foundation. The Event comprised of Talent Promotion, Art & Culture, Women Empowerment & Excellence Awards, Many Well Known Faces like Sandeep Marwah, Bharti Taneja, Meenakshi Dutt, Sumita Dass, Renu Hussain, Seema Midha were prominent who came to support WWC. The Event also felicitated many faces who have worked for women's upliftment like Amit Talwar, Dr Manorath Khullar, Sona Sharma, Fashion Designer Upasanna Marwah, Vandana Dua & Palak Aswani showcased their designer upfits for the noble cause.

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