Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Let’s Paint - Spread Happiness

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” ― Aristotle Whether it is through music, painting, sculpting, or any other form, making art has always been a great way for people to express and explore themselves. It is a significant way to express their deep thoughts and emotions out in the open. Not only does art allow freedom, but it also has a calming effect. In a way, making art is like talking, only you are doing it with an instrument or a paint brush. Art is a universal skill and we don’t need to have the born talent or imaginative . It's just with little effort and hardwork this is achievable. Making art is a unique stress buster exercise .The creation of art can provide a when you paint, you get to release difficult emotions, you get distracted from stressful thoughts and experiences. Plus, it produces a beautiful piece of art in the end. Studies show that art therapy, coloring mandalas , and drawing in general can minimize anxiety and combat negativity. A recent study also came up that couples who paint together stays together. Any one who can type can paint. To bring back some colours and have a stress free environment, paint parties come into picture. Paint parties are more about the party than the paint! You get to socialize with your friends or with new people while you paint. No art skills are required and an artist guides you through each step. Follow along, or express some creative freedom. All the art supplies like canvas, paints, brushes, disposables etc are provided on the spot and you get to take back your masterpiece and some fond memories back home. The paint parties are enjoyed by people of all ages. It helps people to refresh their childhood memories and have some stress free time. Fiddle with paints has been organising paint parties across NCR region for a year now. The people join and enjoy the 2 hours with some gup-shup along with playing with colours and leave with smiles. The whole motive of spreading happiness and love is well achieved at the end of each paint party.

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