Monday, March 30, 2020

elease funds for the protection of staff and for release of their overdue salary-Mayor

North Delhi Mayor Mr. Avtar Singh today wrote a letter to Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Mr. Anil Baijal to direct Delhi Government to release due funds of North DMC. He said that due to the ongoing steps to control and contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the country has gone for complete lockdown and the fight has reached a decisive stage. In spite of this, the North MCD staff, especially the sanitation and medical staff are working day in and day out to keep the city clean and sanitized risking their health to keep the health of citizens of the city safe. He said that even though several schemes have been announced by both the State government and the Central government, no assurance has been given to the MCD staff regarding the payment of their salary which is due for the last 3 months. Moreover, as most of the MCD offices have been closed following the lockdown, any payment to them before the crisis is over is not in sight. Accordingly, it is requested that the State government may be directed to release funds immediately so that the salaries of the MCD staff is given at the earliest. Also, they may be directed to clear all the old dues and also provide additional funds which will enable them to sustain through these difficult times.

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