Monday, March 23, 2020

PM interacts with key stakeholders from Electronic Media

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today interacted with key stakeholders from Electronic Media Channels through video conference to discuss the emerging challenges in light of the spread of COVID-19.
Prime Minister thanked the media for understanding the gravity of the pandemic threat from day one and appreciated the role played by the channels in spreading awareness. He commended the dedication and commitment of the reporters, camerampersons and technicians who are working tirelessly in the field and in newsrooms across the country, calling their work as service to the nation. He also praised innovative ideas of some channels like making arrangements for anchoring from home.
Terming COVID-19 a lifetime challenge, Prime Minister said that it needs to be tackled through new and innovative solutions. A long battle lies ahead of us whereby awareness for social distancing has to be spread and information about latest developments and key decisions needs to be communicated swiftly and professionally by the channels through easy to grasp language.
He said that the channels on the one hand have to ensure that people don’t let their guard down and become careless, but also need to counter pessimism and panic through positive communication. It is necessary to keep the doctors and health care workers motivated since they are at the forefront of this fight.

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