Wednesday, April 8, 2020

14-month-old Baby Died Due To COVID19 In Gujrat



A 14-month-old baby boy who had tested positive for coronavirus in Gujarat's Jamnagar district on April 5 died of multiple organ failure on Tuesday, said officials.
The toddler, son of a migrant labourer-couple with no recent travel history, died in the evening at a government hospital in Jamnagar, said an official release. He was in a critical condition since he was admitted to the hospital.
The boy, who tested positive for coronavirus two days ago, was as on ventilator support and eventually died of multiple organ failure, said the release.
He becomes the youngest patient to succumb to COVID- 19 in Gujarat, where the death toll has now gone up to 16.
The baby was the first and the only case of coronavirus infection so far in all of Jamnagar district and the youngest to be diagnosed with the disease in Gujarat. Since he tested positive, authorities had been tracing the source of his infection. His parents are from Uttar Pradesh and work as casual labourers in factories in the port city.
The parents are not showing symptoms and have been kept under quarantine, officials said. Gujarat has so far recorded 175 coronavirus positive cases and 16 fatalities.

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