Sunday, July 19, 2020

North Delhi Mayor met Chief Minister of Delhi; demanded to release due funds of North DMC


           Mayor of North Delhi, Mr. Jai Prakash today met Chief Minister of Delhi, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and demanded to release due fund of North Delhi Municipal Corporation. He said that due to corona pandemic whole nation is going through very tough situation that need to be handled unitedly.
Mayor briefed Chief Minister about the work being done by the North Delhi Municipal Corporation to prevent the spread of corona virus. He said that to eradicate the corona virus, the employees of the corporation are cleaning roads and streets, sanitizing the areas, making sign to maintain social distancing in the market and other prominent places.     
Mayor said that in the past, it has been conveyed through various means that the North Delhi Municipal Corporation is going through a financial crisis. He said that employees working in the medical and sanitation sectors are engaged in the prevention of epidemic day and night and due to financial crunch they are not getting paid on time. He said that the North Delhi Municipal Corporation provides various services to the citizens; the due fund of corporation is required to continue these services smoothly. He asked the Chief Minister to rise above politics and release the due fund of North DMC keeping in view the employees and citizens of Delhi.

Mayor requested Chief Minister to immediately release the dues of the corporation so that the corporation could provide timely salary to its employees and services to the citizens. He informed that the Chief Minister has assured that action will be taken in this regard at the earliest and the Delhi government will provide all possible help to the corporation.

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