Friday, March 26, 2021


North Delhi Mayor, Mr. Jai Prakash addressing the press conference today informed that North Delhi Municipal Corporation has introduced QR based Municipal License which would reduce the compliance burden of display requirement. He said that North DMC has implemented QR code based licenses by embedding Unique QR Code to each license. Hence, all the new licenses which are being issued or renewed have been embedded with QR code . Now, the requirement of physical display of hardcopy is dispensed with in cases where licenses or renewals are issued embedded with QR code.

Mayor, further said that traders will have the facility to keep the soft copy of the license in their mobile/ computer which can be verified by the Municipal field staff through QR scanners. The data of the licenses issued or renewed would be available on web portal of the Corporation.

This facility has been implemented in the following licenses for issuances and renewals.

1.     General Trade & Storage License – Fresh and Renewal

2.     Factory License                                     – Fresh and Renewal

3.     Meat Processing Plant                        – Fresh and Renewal

4.     Health Trade                             – Fresh and Renewal

5.     Cattle Dairy License                 – Fresh and Renewal

6.     Factory Household License   – Fresh and Renewal

7.     Meat Shop License                  – Fresh and Renewal

8. Tehbazari License                             – Renewal

Chairman Standing Committee, Mr. Chhail Bihari Goswami said that prior to this, North DMC had introduced such facility on Birth and death certificates. He said that this also authenticates the genuinity of the certificate and help in tracing fake certificates. He added that by this step where traders would be at ease to store and maintain their licenses in soft format and on the otherside services rendered by the Corporation would be updated, more authentic and efficient in its functioning with the use of new techniques.


Leader of the House, Mr. Yogesh Verma said that all the field inspectors have been informed of the development through respective Deputy Commissioners that now the traders have option to show the soft copy of the license or demand which could be verified through QR code scanners. Deputy Commissioners of the zones have also been asked to sanitize the general public about the measures.

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