Saturday, August 21, 2021

United Nation to take strict action on public human rights violations in Afghanistan – WHRO

World human rights are being violated by the Taliban dictatorship in all of Afghanistan, including Kabul. People are running away even leaving women and innocent children.

In such a situation, the common man, women, and innocent children are suffering in Afghanistan. Whole world is watching through TV channels, media. Yograaj Sharma, President of the World Human Rights Organization, in a letter to United National today, has urged the United Nations and all the countries associated with it to immediately intervene in this international case of human rights and abuses.

From reining in the Taliban to the attacks on the lives and dignity of Afghan civilians, to take strict action and stop them. In this statement, the chairman of WHR has said that it is time for all human rights organizations to unite, using all their rights from the United Nations. For this our organization is with the United Nations.


In his statement, Mr. Sharma said that the neighboring  countries which should first oppose the Taliban occupation, they are happy about it like Pakistan. But these Talibani can cause trouble for them tomorrow too. He said that terrorism is a threat to the world whether it is in Kashmir or Kabul. It should be condemned. Yograj Sharma said that humanity cannot be crushed by terrorism. He has also criticized countries like Pakistan, China, which make terrorists and said that double standard on terrorism will not work. Those who encourage those who suppress human rights are equally guilty.

WHRO's media head Vijay Sharma has thanked PM Modi for all possible help to the refugees coming from Afghanistan. Prime Minister Modi  asked the authorities to ensure the safe evacuation of all Indian nationals from Afghanistan and to provide shelter to Sikh, Hindu minorities who want to come to India from Afghanistan. Mr. Sharma said that the government should bring back every single Indian stranded in Afghanistan at the earliest.         

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