Sunday, October 10, 2021

Union minister Prahalad joshi releases annual book on BJP Mehrauli district

Party workers successful in completing target set by PM-Prahlad Joshi

Recognising workers hard work and honouring them a commendable step-Adesh Gupta

New Delhi, 9 October. The union minister Shri Prahalad joshi and State BJP President Shri Adesh Gupta today released an annual book of party's Mehrauli district at a function organised by South Delhi MP Shri Ramesh Bidhuri. Addressing workers and journalists on the occasion, Shri Joshi said Shri Bidhuri has done good job of strengthening the party and doing social works. During Corona pandemic this district helped the entire Delhi.

Shri Joshi said by setting up O2 centres, covid quarantine centres, ensuring food and other articles for poor and needy the party workers have set up a good example. At the same time the sewa week organised by party on the primeminister Shri Narendra Modi's birthday is in itself a commendable work. The country has established itself as q great global power under Shri Modi's leadership.

Shri Adesh Gupta said the Mehrauli district party has done a great work and it shows our workers are always on forefront of public service. It is because of workers untiring efforts that people now know about various welfare policies and programmes of Shri Modi. He said both during first and second Corona wave the prime minister ensured country's 80 crore people and Delhi's 74 lac card holders got free ration for 9 months.

The party president said the book has endeavoured to gather the works of south Delhi people and will surely be a source of inspiration for other parliamentary areas and they would do better too. In times to come there is need for even more hard work because we have to carry these works forward right to the jhuggies. Recognising workers efforts and honouring them is a wonderful job done by Shri Ramesh Bidhuri and district president Shri Jagmohan Mehlawat, he added.

Shri Ramesh Bidhuri said his district has been regularly doing social service programmes as our energetic workers always want to do something for the people. They always want to do something new. It is our effort to reach out to masses to create awareness among people about welfare policies and programmes of Shri Modi and carry out his instructions. Today BJP is largest political party in the world and it has been possible because of crores of workers hard work, he added.

Shri Bidhuri said during earlier governments' times people would hardly get any help from politicians and had to run from pillar to post to get their works done. Now it has all changed as the BJP government is ensuring everyone's work is done.  Based on this strength of workers we will continue to do social work even better and with greater zeal, he added.

Also present at the programme were vice President Shri Jaiveer Rana, state media head Shri Naveen Kumar Jindal, leader of the house, Shri Inderjit Sehrawat, district president Shri Jagmohan Mehlawat deputy chairperson Smt Poonam BhatiShri Vikram Bidhuri among others.

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