Monday, April 3, 2023

Grow Care India organized conferences at Delhi

 Grow Care India has been organizing conferences in the area of Environment and Safety over the last number of more than 6 years. The aim of the Grow Care India is to create and atmosphere of Safety in the industrial sector our the years one of the primary causes of environmental degradation is attributed to rapid growth of population along with expense industrial sector. The impact of climate changes or environment ha over the years resected in changes in rainfall frequent it ways urban flades and other disasters. Well india has grown in the industrial sector the need of creating culture of safety  and industries is need of the hour. The industrial safety is the multi dispilanery approach to developing and insurancening compliance with regulatory agencies, safe working practices and maintaining the health and well being of there working in industries .

 Grow Care India has recognized and affect of various industries in the area of environment, water management, sustainability, waste management, innovations, risk management and energy and management. This Year the corporate award in the corporate award category have been presented to the industries who have shown excellence and commitment not only for Safety but also for waste management, Risk management and other important area of safety. The awards have been presented in the category of Platinum, Gold and Silver. The award function which was held at the India International Centre (IIC) New Delhi we Attended by Shri Kamal Kishore Hon’ble Member Secretary I/C National Disaster Management Authority Govt of India, Shri Rajveer Diler Hon’ble  Memebr of Parliament Lok Sabha Hathras, Shri Virendrea Sachdeva State President Bhartiya Janta Party, Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste Hon’ble Minister of State Rural  and Development of Steel Govt of India, Shri Adesh Gupta Former President Bhartiya Janta Party and Mayor Delhi NCT, Shri Vishnu Mittal Treasurer and Prabhari Bhartiya Janta Party Delhi NCT, Dr. S M Raheja Former Director General and Director G B Pant Hospital Delhi NCT. 

Chairman Grow Care India Mrs. Kalpana Singh Rawat, 

Co-Chariaman and Chief advisor Dr, Muzzafar Ahmed Former Member National Disaster Management Authority Govt. Of India, Director Health and Services Jammu and Kashmir and Former Chariman Medical Counsel of India Athics Comity MCI

Co-Chairman Shri Rakesh Dwivedi 

Director Shri Deepak Singh.

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