Saturday, May 11, 2024

:-The BJP Government has behaved barbarically with those who struggle for their rights:-Kumari Selja

 The Congress is Committed to fulfilling all promises made to the public:-Kumari Selja

:-The Public is ready to respond to BJP's tyranny:- Kumari Selja

:-The Country, Democracy, and the constitution, It is time to save:-Kumari Selja

:- The Congress and the Public are determined to fight for democracy:- Kumari Selja

:-The BJP has Undermined democratic institutions:- Kumari Selja


The General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee, former Union Minister, former President of Haryana Congress, Incharge of Uttarakhand, and the candidate of Congress (India Alliance) from the Sirsa Lok Sabha seat, Kumari Selja said that Even the Higher power gets angry with whoever causes distress to the provider of food. This BJP government has crossed all limits of oppression and exploitation of farmers during its tenure. Farmers, laborers, employees, Anganwadi workers, and sarpanches, who demanded their rights during this government's tenure, have been beaten with sticks by the government. It's time to respond to each blow with a vote. It's time for change, time to save the country, democracy, and the constitution. She said that once Congress forms the government, every promise made to farmers, women, and youth will be fulfilled. It's a guarantee from Congress; there are no empty promises like the Modi government. Kumari Selja toured several villages in the Tohana assembly constituency on Saturday and appealed for votes in public meetings. People, especially youth and women, showed enthusiasm and zeal towards her. Some showered flower petals, some wore turbans. Kumari Selja was impressed by this warm welcome and respect. Addressing a public meeting in Jandali village, Selja said, "Now, this election is not mine; you have made it your own. It's time for change. The country is wondering what has happened to these BJP leaders; they have started considering themselves as the world's greatest leaders. Their self-confidence has disappeared. The BJP forgets that in a democracy, the real power lies with the people, not with the leaders. People should abandon the misconception that they are leaders and were born to become leaders. Kumari Selja said that the voters that they have made mistakes twice; don't make a third mistake, or no one will be left, neither the constitution, nor democracy, nor farmers, nor laborers. The right to speak to everyone will be taken away. After ruling twice, the public has seen that those who demand their rights, farmers, laborers, employees, Anganwadi workers, and sarpanches, have been beaten by the government. People have been given gifts like inflation, unemployment, and corruption. The Modi government forced people by forcibly vaccinating them; the vaccine on which Modi's photo was printed, and if there was no vaccination certificate, people were not allowed to enter government offices. Playing with the lives of people through the family IT and portal portal. She said if you are concerned about the future of your children and want to see a good future for them, then definitely press the button in front of the Congress election symbol. This will save both democracy and the constitution. She said that the price of voting is that the leader whom you have brought to your court has cheated you for ten years, lied to you, and now it is a battle to save your existence. In which the public has to participate. She has said that if brotherhood survives, the country will survive, but the BJP government wants to end brotherhood. If the brotherhood is broken, nothing will survive. You have called Selja; Selja is present in your court. She said that as soon as the Congress government comes, the debt of farmers will be waived off, laws will be made for MSP, and crop insurance payment will be made within 30 days. One lakh rupees will be given annually to a poor family woman. The youth will be removed from the abyss of addiction and included in the mainstream of society. They will be given a permanent job after paying one lakh rupees during apprenticeship. Kumari Selja said that whatever guarantee Congress has given will be fulfilled 100%. During this program, former Minister Paramveer Singh, former Minister Attar Singh Saini, Sardar Nishan Singh, Comrade Harpal Singh, Sardar Baljinder Singh Tharvi, Sardar Jaipal Singh Lalli, former Chairman Krishna Nangli, Harpal Singh Budania, District President of Seva Dal Ramesh Dogra, Baldev Singh Dandiwal, Baba Bholenath, Sube Singh Samain etc were present.

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