Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rain God answers Water Minister Atishi’s demand for more water for Delhi, not Haryana--submerges most parts of the Capital---causes huge traffic jams

 Delhi Congress demands probe into the massive corruption behind the desilting work to punish the guilty—Devender Yadav


Delhi Congress deploys five cranes to help retrieve vehicles stuck in water-logging—Devender Yadav


NEW DELHI, —Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Shri Devender Yadav said that what Delhi Congress had feared in a letter to the Chief Secretary of the Delhi Government  on June 12, 2024 that if the drains were not desilted well ahead of the monsoon rains come calling lest Delhi  gets water-logged, happened in Delhi when the first major monsoon showers not only submerged most parts of Delhi, but also caused human casualties when the newly inaugurated roof at Terminal I  of Delhi Airport collapsed. He said that water-logging on roads and other areas caused massive traffic jams everywhere, bringing traffic movement to almost a virtual halt all across Delhi for hours together. Shri Yadav demanded a probe to pin responsibility for the water-logging and punish the guilty as corruption to the tune of thousands of crores takes place every year in the name of desilting of drains.


Addressing a press conference at the DPCC office, Rajiv Bhawan here today, Shri Devender Yadav said that both the AAP and BJP Governments’ incompetence, inaction and shirking responsibilities had been totally exposed when the first downpour water-logged most areas, including Gurudwaras, Railway stations, airport, posh residential colonies, NDMC areas, shopping centres, roads, underpasses, JJ Clusters and unauthorized colonies as the AAP Government, and its various agencies responsible for desilting of the drains like the Public Works Department (PWD), Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Irrigation and  Flood Control Department, DSIIDC and the Delhi Development Authority (under the Central Government), did not do their jobs, resulting in water-logging and  road mishaps. He said that huge corruption takes place every year in the guise of desilting of drains for the past 10 years, and and earlier, the AAP Government would blame the MCD for water-logging, but now it has run out of all excuses as the MCD was also under the Aam Aadmi Party. Chairman of the Communications Department and ex-MLA Shri Anil Bhardwaj and Shri Siddharth Rao were also present at the press conference. 


Shri Devender Yadav said that it was ironic that Delhi’s Water Minister Atishi, who went on a “Jal Satyagraha” demanding extra water from Haryana to quench the thirst of the parched Delhiites, had to suffer water-logging at her own official residence at Mathura Road. He said that the Delhi Government had promised to build more swimming pools in Delhi, but today all parks in Delhi became swimming pools helping children make merry as the rain water got collected in the parks with the drainage system totally blocked.


Shri Devender Yadav said that as a responsible Opposition party, Delhi Congress, taking into consideration the convenience of the people, have requisitioned the services of five cranes, two of which will be parked at the ground of the  DPCC office, Rajiv Bhawan, to remove vehicles got stuck in traffic jams while the other three cranes will be stationed at water-logging hot spots. He said that when Congress was in power in Delhi, it prepared summer and monsoon action plans well in advance, so that people are not inconvenienced in anyway, without locking horns with  neither the Lt. Governor nor the  BJP Government at the Centre.


Shri Devender Yadav also announced  WhatsApp No 9625777907 to requisition the services of cranes to lift vehicles got stuck on the road.


Shri Devender Yadav said that Water Minister Atishi sat on a “Jal Satyagraha” demanding more water from Haryana, but the BJP Government did not oblige her, but the rain God did,  which brought water upto her door steps.

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