Monday, July 22, 2024

DPCC president Shri Devender Yadav assures Congress support to residents of Daya Basti and Tulsi Basti JJ clusters from demolition threats by Railways

 Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Shri Devender Yadav today met the residents of the JJ Clusters of Daya Basti and Tulsi Nagar, who have been issued demolition notices due to the collusion between the BJP and Aam Aadmi Party Governments to uproot the poor from Delhi, as both these parties were anti-poor, and see the poor as a threat to their political games. He promised all possible help from the Congress party for them to protect their JJ Clusters from the bulldozers.


Shri Devender Yadav said that  earlier too, when the Railways tried to demolish these JJ clusters in 2016-17, Congress had gone to the Supreme Court to  get a  stay order, and the party will once again resort to legal recourse, if need be, to protect the JJ Clusters.


Shri Devender Yadav said that a few days ago, the Railways had issued notices to the  residents of Daya Basti and Tulsi Nagar that their slum clusters on Railway land will be demolished, but he warned that the bulldozers can enter these JJ Clusters only over the bodies of the Congress workers. He said that when the court has said that these JJ Clusters cannot be demolished without giving alternate accommodation to the residents of these colonies, Railways dares not to  defy the order of the SC to as  it will then  be a gross violation of the court order.


The Chief Reporter

…….New Delhi.


DPCC president Shri Devender Yadav demands constitution of a Special Committee to probe reckless tree felling in the Capital— how many trees have been transplanted under a policy decision taken in 2018


Minister and LG should be charged if found guilty—Devender Yadav


NEW DELHI, July 20, 2024—Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president Shri Devender Yadav today demanded that a Special Committee, consisting of environmental experts, be constituted to look into the reckless tree felling at the protected Ridge and other parts of the Capital for various projects, though the erosion of the tree cover has been changing the climate profile of the Capital to extreme levels. He said that the probe should also cover how trees have been transplanted under a policy decision taken in 2018.


Shri Devender Yadav said that the Sheila Dikshit-led Congress Government had imposed a strict policy against tree felling, and the Government took great pains and initiative to enhance the tree cover in the Capital, which had received international appreciation, but the Aam Aadmi Government, in collusion with the BJP, have been cutting trees without caring for the environment.


Shri Devender Yadav said that there was huge corruption behind the unauthorized tree felling as the Minister and top officials were involved in the scam, and should also be brought under the ambit of the probe panel. He said that whether it was the AAP Minister or the Lt. Governor, the guilty should not be spared. He said that the AAP speaks about only those issues which suit their convenience, and not where they were also partners to the crime.

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