Friday, August 23, 2024

The Criminals are becoming bolder During BJP's rule


The BJP has Completely failed to Curb the Criminal Incidents:-Kumari Selja

:-Drug abuse and Crime are continuously increasing Due to Unemployment in the State:-Kumari Selja

:-The Haryana is becoming the Crime Capital, with daily incidents of murder, robbery, and ransom:- Kumari Selja

:-The People of the State are living in an Atmosphere of fear:-Kumari Selja

Chandigarh/12th, August.

The General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee, former Union Minister, and MP from Sirsa, Kumari Selja, said that criminals are committing crimes openly in the state, while the government is turning a blind eye to the situation. Haryana is becoming the crime capital, with daily incidents of murder, robbery, and shootings, as well as demands for extortion. Not only this, but criminals are so bold that they are openly firing at establishments to spread fear. A government that cannot ensure the safety of its citizens has no right to remain in power. This time, the public, living in fear, will oust the BJP government from power.

In a statement released to the media, Kumari Selja said that when the state's head admits that they cannot provide security to everyone, it naturally emboldens criminals. Since the BJP came to power, it has been unable to rein in criminals, and in recent months, there has been a significant increase in crimes. Drug trafficking has not been curbed, and the police and the government are busy patting themselves on the back for catching small fry. In Sirsa and surrounding districts, drug addiction is widespread, with young people dying daily due to addiction, and entire families being destroyed. Until the police break the chain of drug traffickers, nothing will change. The government must understand that the root cause of rising crime is drug addiction, which is on the rise along with crime.

Kumari Selja said that extortion and ransom incidents have increased the most in both Hansi and Hisar. In Hansi, a businessman was murdered, and in Hisar, a showroom was openly shot at. Now, in Hisar, Rajendra Sharma is being extorted for 2 crore rupees. Businessmen are living in fear, and due to a sense of insecurity, they are contemplating fleeing the state. In various places, businessmen are protesting, demanding security and action against criminals. She said that due to the government's neglect, traders and industrialists throughout Haryana are living in an atmosphere of fear. Without ensuring the safety of their lives and property, how can they conduct business? This is why crime has increased under BJP rule, causing trade and industry to lag behind, which in turn has led to rising unemployment in the state. The government has completely failed to curb crime.

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